For consumers

How to submit a complaint or file a claim?

Complaints and claims are accepted every working day from 8am to 5pm.

You can file a claim or submit a complaint:

  • in writing to the headquarters of Donau Faktoring SRL, Str. Polonă, nr. 55, et. 1, ap. 3, biroul B, sector 1, Bucureşti, România
  • by e-mail to:
  • by completing the contact form on this website: here

In order for your complaint or claim to be addressed properly and timely, it should include:

  • name, surname and date of birth of the natural person in the case of a natural person (for enterpreneur also ID, eventually business company),
  • name / business name, ID and registered office in the case of a legal person,
  • contact address, eventually e-mail contact for specific queries regarding the claim or complaint,
  • contract number, eventually variable symbol,
  • a precise description of the content of the claim case, with all available documentation and other essential information,
  • the date of submitting a complaint or a claim


The deadline for processing a complaint or a claim is 30 days from the receipt of the complaint or the claim by Donau Faktoring SRL. The deadline for correcting or completing the claim is not counted in the deadline. If it is not possible to resolve a complain or a claim in the respective deadline, you will be informed about expected date of resolving the complaint or the claim by Donau Faktoring SRL

Revocation option

If you are not satisfied with resolving your complaint or your claim, you may contact Donau Faktoring SRL in writing to Str. Polonă, nr. 55, et. 1, ap. 3, biroul B, sector 1, Bucureşti, România, or by e-mail to

Supervisory authority

You can also complain to the Czech National Bank, which oversees non-bank providers of consumer credit.

Complaint form